nice-enough-to-give-me-directions” look. This is the one thing I hate, so from one New Yorker, a native born/breed New Yorker to anyone who ever visits 'my city'...ASK SOMEONE PLEASE, for the love of god!! You waste more trying to figure out the city map, than enjoying what the city has to offer. (Just as an aside, the subway may be faster, but you'll get more bang for your dollar/euro/pound etc., if you take the bus. Trust me, a much better view!!)
So back to this mother/daughter duo.
Yes I was in a rush, running late to a meeting, but I know what it's like to be lost. I asked them if they needed help. With a look of hesitance, the mom said, "Do you know where Bloomingdales is?" She had a well-worn map in her hand and a look of fear in her eyes. I replied "Sure it's just 2 blocks away." I dug into my bag for a pen, and marked where we were standing and where Bloomingdales was. She then said "I hate to ask another question, but where is St. Patrick's Cathedral?" So I pointed out this location as well. She was so grateful; she went into her purse and pulled out some money as a 'thank you'. I told her that I couldn't take it, and that my parents raised me to help. Besides I have visited other countries and if I was lost, would hope that someone would help me. In the end I asked her to say a prayer at St. Pat's and put the money in the box for the poor. It took a total of 5 min out of my time, but these two will go back to their home and say that someone in NY took time out to help them.
It made me wonder what this world be like if more people took the time out, and put themselves in the place of their fellow human being? How different would we all be if we took the time out to help, without asking for something in return? In the end, helping these two ladies only took 5 min out of my day and I went off to my meeting. The really good feeling of doing a good deed lasted all day long.
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