Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can we seperate Church & State or are these truly the ties that bind?

A few weeks ago, Pope Benedict XVI was in town, and of course the city was all a buzz. Frankly, I am still I morning over Pope John Paul II. He was and still is my Pope. He is the one that has has a great impact in my life. I remember being in grammar school when JP came to N.Y. WOW!!! This was like getting a snow day off from school (back then we had ‘real snow’, not the few flakes we have today). All the nuns were all a twitter (I equate it to going to the prom - that kind of excitement), as the Pope announced he was having a youth rally at Madison Square Garden. I think having it there – filled to capacity with young people – screaming his name, gave him ‘ROCK STAR’ appeal. He was just cool. I will always remember that day, and remember him.

I was like so many deeply sadden as I watched his health fail him. This once exuberant man was now slouching over, and his speech was slurring. I get the feeling that even though the body was failing, there was the strength and passion of a young man who had given his life to God so many years ago. I loved him (as much as one could love the Pope) and what he stood for. I admired his ability to meet with people of every race, every station in life because he was passionate about people. He wanted to understand your views and even if he disagreed, he showed respect at all times. His actions spoke loudly.

When he died, I watched his funeral and yes smiled at his red shoes. Prada slip-on I believe. For a modest man, those ruby red slippers like Dorothy reminded me that there was ‘no place like home’ and that his home was in heaven.

Pope Benedict now wears the papal red shoes, but has made it clear that he “was not JPII, but his own man”.
When the Pope held church services at St. Patrick's Cathedral, the twice-divorced Giuliani, accompanied by his third wife, Judith, received Communion from a priest standing near the Pope. Giuliani should not have received Holy Communion because according to catholic law, the former presidential candidate and mayor supports abortion rights and remarried without getting an annulment from the church.

Cardinal Edward Egan said he had "an understanding" with the failed Republican presidential hopeful "that he was not to receive the Eucharist because of his well-known support of abortion." The Cardinal went further and said "I deeply regret that Mr. Giuliani received the Eucharist during the papal visit here in New York, and I will be seeking a meeting with him to insist that he abide by our understanding." What understanding??

I know this may not seem like a big thing, but it’s the little things, that cause people to change churches or change political parties. If this is the case of “they are just human and may not speak for the whole” then dare I say why can’t we separate the speeches of Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and presidential candidate Barack Obama. (This is not an endorsement of Barack Obama or Rev. Wright).

I don't have the answer, and I'm grateful I'm not being asked to provide one.

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