Saturday, May 17, 2008

Come Fly with me, Come fly...let's fly away....

Well I would normally look through the paper and find something to write about, but this week...nope!! I'm tired of the normal "Who shot who"; "What??!? Are we really in a recession?"; and my favorite this week "Politics" ARGH!!!

I was going to write about the California Supreme Court overturning the lower court ruling on Gay Marriage, but I'm going to hold off for a bit. Not because I don't think it's great - I really do - but I just want to see if the US Supreme court will throw their 2 cents into the mix. I realize that the courts don't like interfering with the state courts decisions, but this has been such a hot bed issue for such a long time. Frankly, I have a dear friend who is totally beyond in love with his partner, and I can't wait until they can be married. Will they hop to Cali - I don't know. I think that they would hope that the NYS Supreme Court would follow suit. That they could be married with their friends/family around them in the state where they live. I do know that if they do decide to do it...I'll be there with them, to support and celebrate their love. I love a good party :-)

Next week, I'm heading on an adventure. It's been a long time since I've really had any fun, and am desperate to have some. Normally I travel with my BFF, but she's just recovering from 4 months of sailing (I know...tough life :-)) and taking it easy. Where am I going...a surprise...BUT... I will have great pictures, and amazing stories to share when I return.

So that's it for this week. Sorry nothing exciting to blog about.

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