I've met a wonderful woman Judith who is helping me. She is an amazing writer in her own right, but for me she's a great coach and becoming a wonderful friend. So she's been keeping me busy, but I didn't want to neglect this, because there are some really great people who are reading what I have to share.
So this week I decided to share my thoughts on fashion with you. In this weeks New

OH MY GOD is all I can say. Actually, last week I was coming home and had the misfortune to walk behind a young man who's pants rested under his bum. How do I know it was this low? His t-shirt didn't cover, and I got a birds eye view of his grey boxer shorts. Not a pretty picture on any level. So I did what every crazy New Yorker does, I asked him why? He was a bit taken aback then said 'cuz it's the style'.
As Mr. Cunningham eloquently explains, this originated in the prison system. They took the draw-strings out, and didn't allow belts in the pants of prisoners because both of th

I know I'm getting old because every time I look at young men who continue to dress in sloppy attire, I say something to them. I don't care that Mr. Cunningham thinks that the new 'cross, and skull' in flashy stones will create a new fashion statement. I can only hope not. I don't find it attractive, it's not sexy, and I would cringe if my daughter brought someone like that home to meet me. I know my son wouldn't even dream of it. Maybe it's a matter of adults taking the time to care enough to say something. Maybe it's a matter of enough young women saying to the young man in their life "if you want to go out with me, then you need to dress properly."
Am I trying to change you - not really, but I am trying to save you from tripping on your own pants. More so I'm hoping to protect myself from seeing your Sponge-Bob square pegs underwear.
1 comment:
Thank you so much, I can agree whole heartedly with you on this matter of sagger's, I feel it is an abomination and show more disrespect, it does not show anyone that you would know or be able to handle the affairs of others if you cannot keep your pants up where they belong. I also have a problem with it and am always telling others to pull up there pants and to have respect for my house and the women in it. Sagging is definitely not dressing for success.
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