The economy still sucks, over 250K people lost their job in Oct alone!!! I know what it's like not to have a job. I know what it's like to have your savings slip away. I know what it's like to have done all the right things, only to find yourself at the short end of the stick.
I also know it took us 8 years to get here, and Barack is not G-D. He is not the Saviour of all people. He is not a magician and sadly can't pull the economy out of his hat (or the toilet as it were) but there is the hope of a new day.
This is the first time in my adult life when I am completely dedicated to following each and every promise that was made to me as a voter. I'm also paying attention to those that harshly criticized him during the campaign and are now looking for an opportunity to be on his staff. My how the tides turn. Yes everyone wants to be on a winning team.
My only beef this week, I hope the press will lay-off the girls. I've alread

Ok, so Mr. President Elect, you have begun to pick your staff and so far so good. You have had your first radio address and you handled it well. I'm just so ready for you to jump in the drivers seat. I want you to put the pedal to the metal and burn rubber!!!
There is a lot of work to do; a lot of things to un-do; a lot of people are behind you to keep you strong. Please keep your promises and keep us informed. To have an administration that is 'transparent' would be a first. It's time that you get your 'to do' list in order, put the economy on top and follow up with health care. Let's get this party started already.
I agree with you. Let the kids be kids.
Well, we are all major league challenged these days. My commitment is to live up to MY promises moving forward. Individual responsibility grows and grows in its importance and impact (or maybe I am just growing up - at 60). Let's all try and bne what we look for from our leaders and hold ourselves as acccountable as we do them.
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