Thursday, January 01, 2009

365 NEW Days...Oh What To Do??

Welcome to the new 'face' of my blog. I really hope you like it. This isn't to say that I won't change pictures as time moves on, but this is a big step.

Keeping with the New Year, New Me (doesn't that sound like Oprah??) I'm going to start the year off similarly to last year. Because it was a leap-year, I read the number of books that equaled my age. No, not doing that again, and not even coming close but....I am proposing my own bucket list. What does that mean? Well, this year I'm taking on a few challenges. Finding the RIGHT job is tops on my list, so if you have any leads...send them to me. Then I have one more surgery to get through, then I'm also going to try to lose some weight and get healthy. You get the point?

Here is the list - and I will give you updates as the year progresses. I know you're thinking...there aren't 44 things here. You're 100% right. I'm taking a bit of the pressure off myself and only looking to do 25. With that said...if I get through them before 1/2 the year I'll add more. So...

1. Meet someone with my own name.
2. Own a pointless collection - or shall I say "unique" collection
3. Hang with the band - no, not that band...another one.
4. Capture the "moment" on film (or digital as it were)
5. Stay in a 5-Star Hotel
6. Get a upgrade to first class on a plane.
7. Write and article and have it published
8. Be an extra in a film or video
9. Own an original work of art.
10. Wear a Bikini again
11. Travel to Dubai, Amsterdam OR Italy. (London is a given this year!!)
12. Write 44 famous people who I admire and see who writes back.
13. Create a food/travel blog - as if doing this one, isn't enough.
14 Go to a sporting event and sit in the good seats.
15. Reconnect with at least 1 person from every school I've ever attended beginning with grammar school
16. Read the entire New Testament
17. Wear something super expensive and super sexy.
19. Publish my book
20. Ask for help when I need it.
21. Take a picture with someone famous.
22. Drink only the good stuff (you can take that any way you want, but I prefer Champagne)
23. Go to at least 5 TV shows (you know Martha, Rachel Ray, Regis/Kelly etc) in NYC
24. Dance with someone I love under the stars.
25. Visit my family more.

Ok, so there it is...Some of them are easy, some not so much. Actually I found this great website called "43 Things" and they helped me create the list that you see on the right hand side of this blog page. The small numbers you see, equals the number of people who have the 'same goal' so you can reach out to each other for support and cheers. It's actually pretty cool - you should check it out. What would you have on your own list?

[The original idea came from a book I have and found while cleaning out stuff called "101 Things to do before you die" by Richard Horne, and not the movie even though it's the same concept]


Anonymous said...

I like the view! Looking forward to reading all future blogs.

EURA. said...

Those are all really amazing goals! Writing the 44 famous people sounds like a great idea, I'll have to try that out :)

Looking forward to reading more!

Barry Collodi said...

whew! I got tuckered reading the list...

Go for it, girl, with the wind at your back!

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Liked # 20 a lot, certainly can relate to that.
Also the seems very interesting, will try that out


About This Blog

As life goes on, I'll find new things to write about, new dreams to have, new people to love and a life worth living. I do want to take this moment to thank you for reading my blog and I hope that if you have anything to share you do. Please feel free to make suggestions, subscribe to my blog feed and know that I will do my best.
Once again...thank you for your support

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