As you know, I've given up the resolution and decided to just be productive and proactive this year. I've been working on 25 things to do in the next 52 weeks. I have no pressure to complete them, but they are pretty cool goals. What I noticed in the program is when you complete a goal - it takes it off your list - which in and of itself is a good also takes it off the list. So if you've been reading it, at one point it said "20 of 25 things"...NOW it says 25 again. I decided to re-post the entire list and then just subtract it via the blog. It's also one of my new tags so if you want to just view this progress just click on 25things. Make sense?
So here is
Go to 5 TV Shows:
I know for this may be no big deal since I've been on the show SO MANY TIMES BEFORE. I've been an actual guest and have my picture with Martha, Zac Posen in the amazing dress Zac custom made for me. OH The Dress!! I should take a pic of it and post it as that's as close as I'll ever come to wearing it again. Just imagine a man telling you to put on a dress and then with the largest pair of scissors I've ever seen - cut the excess material while you are standing IN the dress. Talk about scary! This gives the term 'cut to fit' an entirely different meaning. I love that dress!! Maybe one day I'll...nah...
Anyway this show they have an amazing Australian chef Pete Evans ("My Table" is a wonderful book which we got as a take-home gift) and people making children's toys out of cardboa

STILL Reconnecting with people from my past:
Recently I got a Facebook invitation to connect with someone I'll call 'Richard S.' So I look at this picture of a guy - have no clue who he is. I looked to see who we had 'in common'. There was one girl I'll call 'Robin P'. So being the polite person my mom taught me to be I said "I'll be happy to add you as a friend, if you just tell me who you are and how we know each other beyond having 'Robin' in common. I'm looking and looking at this picture, saying the name and nope, nothing comes to mind. I get a reply a day later that says "We went to grammar school together at St. Angela Hall in Brooklyn and you were the first girl I ever had a crush on. I was best friends with 'Saul B', and at that moment all the bells whistles began to B-O-N-G. Of course I remembered him at that point. So I'm thinking...I never knew he had a crush on me and it's taken him more than 30 years to tell me this? Needless to say we will be getting together in the future to catch up with a few other classmates we've connected with. Isn't that crazy?!?
Reading the New Testament:
OK so I'll admit this is going to be a slow go. I have tons of questions, but thanks to the retreat I attended a few weeks ago, I have a pocket-sized version and am taking it with me everywhere. I'm trying to read it like a novel - sadly, it's not quite that easy. I will make sure it's done and will keep you posted.
Write an article and have it published:
I have been asked to write and submit an article which will be included in an anthology. Isn't that great!! I know - why not lead with this as an update - I'm still a bit shy about it. I wrote 3 pieces and 2 of them are being seriously considered. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. Once this is finalized (I should know in about 3 weeks), I'll post the pieces as well as the final name of the book. YEA, finally a published author.
Write 44 people and see if they reply:
Ok, so I've finally gotten serious about this one. I have about 28 so far on my list (sorry Oprah nor Martha didn't make it) and it continues to grow. I think this is a really interesting experiment to see who will take the time to reply. You know I'll keep you posted on the final list of people and their replies.
Oh well...that's just about all I have today. It's about 3:53am now and I've been up for about 2 hrs. I think I'm going to get back into bed and see if sleep comes my way.
I didn't get a letter from you yet buy I did send you some mail. I enjoyed this article. Love U.
Excuse my typo should have been but instead od buy.
I did it again. Oh well, I am not a very good typist
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