Saturday, February 23, 2008

Being President is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

Oh, the race is getting closer. I've tried not to take a side yet. I'm watching, listening, and observing. It is in believing that the candidates will show their true selves sooner or later. Don't get me wrong, I did cast my vote in the primary and am proud to say, helped my candidate win our state.

I must say that as someone who supports strong, positive, and smart, my lean is toward anyone who reflects these qualities. This doesn't mean that it is 'All Hilliary All The Time', nor does it mean that 'Obama is the right person', because we share the same culture.

It really angers me when people ASSume that I'm voting one way vs the other based on sexism or race. People WAKE UP!! This country no longer has the strength that it once had. We are laughed at and ridiculed by countries that have 1/3 of the resources we have, simply because of this present administration. Now I know my ex - who is a republican will say that only the republican party can set the course for truth wealth. If that's the case, then why has the economy gone in the tank, and why is the US dollar worth less in the European market day after day. Pretty soon, the dollar won't be worth the paper it's printed on. The thing that concerns me...WHEN are we going to find Osama...I mean that's why we got into this war in the first place right???

But back to the candidates....

When I think about this Obama, I am struck by this good looks, voice, charisma and what I really like is "behind every strong his wife (Michelle). Now that would be a race to the White House. Let's see Michelle Obama vs. Hillary Clinton race to the White House.

Barack Obama has proven that he can be a force to be reckoned with. He was this beautiful orator at the 2004 Democratic convention and lite that place on fire. He has the skill and the ability to draw in his listeners by the inflection in his voice. Is that enough to track down those that wish to do this country harm, I don't think so. This is NOT to say that he isn't smart, he is. He is a lawyer by training, and has to be smart enough to know that if he wins...he won't be in "Kansas anymore". It's not to say that no one knows everything before taking the office - that's obvious. I wonder if he didn't have the power of 'almighty 'O' if he would carry some of the states he has.

Look I'm not taking anything from Barack, nor am I saying that Hillary is perfect. I'm still listening, watching, talking to those who may not share my view. My prayer is that in the end, people vote for the man or woman who will lead this country to greatness once again.

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