Sunday, March 09, 2008

A Delta Love Fest at 360-Sky degrees

Ok, so I know that I gave props to Delta Airlines for being kind on my Birthday, but let me tell you about my experience with them yesterday at the Delta Sky 360 lounge on a rainy Saturday in NYC. The Lovely Ladies of Delta were AMAZING!!!

What's the Delta 360 Lounge??

The Sky 360° lounge, is over 3,500 square foot space on West 57th Street in Manhattan, and's all about Delta Airlines. So what's the's to highlight their robust array of in-flight offerings and provides a platform for visitors to try out our state-of-the-art amenities. I say, they did a great job of it. Angela was telling me about their new line of in flight meals, designed by Chef Todd English, and gives the "braised short ribs" meal a big thumbs.

Nicole, Raquel, J.S. and Angela were so nice. They are members of Delta's 360 Staff that include Flight Attendants, those that work in the Crown Room/Business Elite, Ticket Agents and other departments. I actually wish I took a group shot (I'll try to get one before you all leave.) They are all very excited about the new travel routes that Delta will have this year. They will be including some of my favorite places direct from NY to:

Heathrow - YEA!!!!; Edinburgh, Scotland; Dakar, Senegal; Nairobi, Kenya; Capetown, South Africa; Cairo, Egypt; Panama City, Panama; Guatemala City, Guatemala; Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago (if you've never been...GO!!); Tel Aviv, Isreal;
Malaga, Spain (AMAZING WINE HERE!!!); Amman, Jordan; Lagos, Nigeria; Paris - Orly, and Lyon, France.

So what makes this space so cool, it's beautiful, lots of light, clean lines, and there are wonderful pictures of clouds look up, and see the sky and clouds, even on a rainy day. You know I'm always looking for different views, and this view, was so real you could almost touch it. They had actual new 'improved' seating available for you to try out, and I heard at one point, they even had the new sleeper seat that they have in 1st and B-Class. That would have been nice to try out, since I'm not often able to fly that way myself.

They also had the ability to help you with flight information, give you ideas for future flights, available Wi Fi, and several computer terminals that you could use. The best thing, for at least these moment, we were ALL first class.

They had a wonderful area where you could get complimentary snacks - just like a real flight. Well, not Delta 360 you could actually have the FULL CAN of soda., soda's, juices, crackers and their famous Biscoff cookies were available. I was asking the ladies what has happened during their time on 57th street. Well, there were guest stars, mini Broadway show performances, food tasting, raffles and more. I'm really sorry that I didn't visit more often. Given that they were only open Thurs-Sat, it made it hard to get there from work, and on the weekend I just forgot. Of course, I'm really glad that I made it today. The sad thing, I thought that it would be here always, only to find out that they will be closing for good next week. T hey will be open next Wed Mar 12, and Fri Mar 14 only, so if you're in NY, and on 57th and 6th, stop by.

If some big-wig from Delta should happen to read this, I think that the lounge was a great idea, and you should bring it back.

1 comment:

Barry Collodi said...

Lisa, I so agree with you. I used the lounge many times in my W 57th crossings. It will surely be missed (By the way, on flights you can ask for a full soda can and get it...just a friendly consulting tip!).

The staff there was terrific and great design. So American, want to take up the challenge?


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