For those of you who may have been living on another planet two weeks ago, they applied for a marriage license. That started the rumor mills working overtime with speculation of Where, When and Will it be bigger than XYZ’s wedding? Then there was the “if they are getting married in a hurry, it must be because Beyoncé might be pregnant.
I ask you…Why can’t they, after 6+years of dating just get married when ever they want. I mean, it’s not like they need a long engagement in order to sign up at Tiffany’s for a wedding registry. I absolutely know the headaches of planning weddings. The drama, what china to pick out, the 'future husband’ not wanting to have anything to do with it, the yelling, screaming, the tears. This was any Saturday, watching people when I was a part-time bridal consultant at Bloomingdales. On many occasion I told a couple to get “paper and plastic, it was easier”. I’ve seen people almost come to blows over the crystal pattern. Let me tell you a small secret. These girls register for the most expensive things. You the guest, want to make them happy and you purchase it. They get the gift, get married, and then RETURN EVERYTHING so they can buy clothes or get the cash. Yes, you heard it here first. So if you’ve spent big bucks on the Waterford Crystal, make sure you visit them and ask to see it. Just kidding!
So back to the B&J thing….
The paparazzi was intense, they bum-rushed each and every car that even ‘look

So why are people mad at them? They feel like they are missing something because these two people didn’t confirm or deny their relationship? Are they truly angry because they weren’t invited to the wedding? Beyoncé’s dad is being criticized for supposedly 'shopping the wedding photo's out for the highest bidder'. Why are you mad at that? They do it for celebrity babies...oh, that outside voice of mine. Look no matter

Let’s consider what happens to other celebrities who put every detail of their lives in the press, only to complain that they have no privacy. I say its because they don’t really want any privacy at all. There are too many to list, but you know who you are.
This couple has chosen, since day one to be private about their relationship. We don’t need to have every detail of their lives. We know they’re dating…we see the pictures in Saint-Tropez, and Miami Beach. We have watched them 'come-out' at the MTV Music awards.

I don’t know which of them thought of just close family and friends, but that’s so smart. Isn’t the point of a wedding to be with the people that mean the most to you? I mean really so if it’s 30 or 300…do it for the right reasons. If your ring is a pebble or 16 carats, what does it mean if the marriage fails?
So maybe this couple is finally married, I just wish them well. Being a celebrity and dating, even for 6+ years is one thing. Being a celebrity and being married completely different. Instead of speculating if she’s pregnant, if they’re married, what size her rock is, shouldn’t we just pray that they stay 'Crazy in Love'? So after all this, am I still jealous, just of her body, then again I'm not in my 20's anymore. Let me be among many who wish you continued success, a lasting friendship and a forever love.
i totally agree with wat ur saying about there privacy issues but i don't think fans are asking to much for a comfirmation that there married considering it's been nearly a week, if they did get married then i don't understand (besides from the wedding day) why there keeping it secret, thats just crazy.
Lisa, I love the picture of you, chenille robe and bunny slippers, glued to TMZ. You just need a fluffy blonde dog on your feet to make the pic complete...if it was me, I would have to add oatmeal dribbling from my chin
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