Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bye for now, but l shall return.

This seems so strange to write my last posting about Marrakech. There is still so much to say, so many pictures to post…but maybe less is more. I hope that this makes you interested in taking your own adventure. Maybe you can make your dream come true.

Oh…are you wondering about the band?? Well, they ROCKED!!! The artist ‘we’ were with was fabulous and such a joy to be around. It was cool to be there show night with the Queen of Morocco (she’s a big fan), and to watch her rock in the front row. I’m sure there was tons of security, but they just mixed in the crowd around her and the royal cousins. She is very nice and truly beautiful.

As we closed down this show, we gave Nejoua, our ever present and hardworking guide an autographed photo from our celebrity. She cried. It may have been because she realized that it was over and she could finally get some sleep or because she was truly moved by this small act of kindness. It made me think about the kids here.

The US is a country where it's “what can you do for me??” In Morocco, it was more “there is nothing nor problem that we won’t take care of for you.” It’s easy to get spoiled by people who actually like what they do, and a simple “thank you” is worth its weight in gold. It’s easy to get wrapped up in a culture that makes you feel welcome.

I loved my time in this magical country, and I will return. I will remain in touch with my new friends and hope to see them again. While I probably won’t stay at the Rabat Hilton (sorry…the bed was just too hard for this princess ☺), I will come back to Morocco. It is truly a country filled with sun, beauty, history, culture, people and of course, it’s mint tea.

Se’hha Morocco! (Thank you in Arabic)


Barry Collodi said...

Lisa, I love your text and photos, what a great trip and observations! I can't wait to read of your next one


Anonymous said...

Yeah, where are we going next??? :P

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