Thursday, July 24, 2008

Death Be Not Proud or Should it?? A tribute to Randy Pausch

Ok so I know not the normal light banter in the blog this week. No celebrity sightings to report, no new places discovered. SORRY! Frankly it’s been a week I would like to forget, but I did want to share something that’s been on my mind. Today I want to talk about death.

Now, before you start calling to see if I’m contemplating my own demise, I can only say it you REALLY know me, you know my thoughts on the subject of ending one’s own life. As I’ve said, ‘Once is more than enough!’

I remember being 16 or 17 and going on a church retreat with my youth group to St. Francis House in Oyster Bay N.Y. Back then this area in Long Island is filled with old mansions and older money. I haven’t been back lately so I don’t know what is there now, but anyway… Death was one of our topics of discussion and I remember being completely fascinated by it. What happens when you die? Is it like the movies [“Which Dreams May Come (rent the DVD) you can design your own bit of ‘heaven’ and all your friends/family and of course the dog (cat or you fill in the animal of choice) will be there when you think of them, but they also have their little corner of heaven]; do you immediately go to heaven (of course this is the choice destination) or do you head the other way. Is there truly a purgatory like Dante’s Inferno (which by the way scared the stuffing out of me); or the question I still have…”How do you know you’re dead?”

Of course there is no one I know who can tell me what it’s really like. Yes there are people who say, “Go to the light”, but do you really see your life flash before you like a movie on warp speed?

What got me thinking about this lately is the death of Tim Russet. I know he died several weeks ago, but there was something about the amazing out-pouring of love, admiration and affection for him. When you can get Tom Brokaw to promise to drink a bottle of Rolling Rock (which he admittedly “pilfered from Tim’s cooler’) on Election night to honor him as a journalist and lover of the political process. You can tell Tim really touched his life. Yes he was a great journalist, yes he was a loving son, husband, father and yes he loved the Buffalo Bills. This is a man who touched so many people and in death people wanted to express their gratitude for being touched by him. Like the funeral of Princess Diana, Pope JPII (who is still the best Pope ever!!!) Mother Theresa, and yes I’m embarrassed to say Anna Nicole I found myself once again glued to the television. I wondered if there was something morbid about that – getting sneaking a glimpse into their lives through the thoughts of their friends.

More recently there was Estelle Getty, one of TV’s ‘The Golden Girls’ who died this week. If you listen to the news they all remembered the joy and laughter she shared as an actress.
I also think of Randy Pausch who created "The Last Lecture". If you've never seen his talk on achieving your dreams and how he wanted to be remembered please do.

I find it almost interesting that people will say “XYZ died so young, in the prime of life.” You never hear anyone say “XYZ died right on time.” Death is not proud but how you live your life should be.

So my thought for this week … How do I want to be remembered? When it’s my turn, my ticket is punched, the gig is up…what ever you want to call it, what do I want my friends and family to say about me? Some of this is still a work in progress, and I hope to have the opportunity to live long enough to make it all reality.

I want to be remembered as a fiercely loyal daughter, sister, wife & friend.

A foodie who loved a good steak, great wine (not too earthy ☺) and a good piece of Lemon cake. Someone who loved to cook and yet was better at baking although I didn’t do it nearly enough. After all, how much can a girl eat and keep her girlish figure?

A photographer who tried to capture things others missed. Some things to make you laugh, cry or simply provoke thought. Someone who saw things through a different kind of lens; without fear or preconceived notion.

A writer who worked hard to capture the true essence of her characters and tell a story that was interesting to those who honored me by reading my words.

A Brooklyn DIVA who loved a cashmere wrap, and my Manolo Blahniks’. Someone who constantly wore orange, and/or pink and brown because they were my favorite colors.

As someone who wore my heart not on my sleeve but my fingertips (right B?). Yes it sometimes hurt, I wouldn’t live life any other way.

As a woman who desperately wanted to have a child, but God had another plan in mind. So I used the time I was given to love, teach and spoil my niece and nephews. I also shared myself fully with the children of my friends as auntie or Godmother. When the opportunity to become a foster mother and/or to adopt was available, I took it. The child, yet to be named, yet to be seen is truly my child because I needed them as much as then needed me.

Even though a die-hard New Yorker, Oxford was my second home, and at every opportunity I would go back to realign my spirit. It’s the place where being smart wasn’t a novelty, but more a matter of fact. ‘Have passport will fly’ is my motto and yes I’ve been known to fly to Copenhagen for a pound of butter and a new wool sweater.

I think most of all; I want to be remembered as a good person, someone who liked to have a good time and someone who just wanted to be happy. Even thought I hated my chocolate years (2006-2008), I tried not to complain too much, to be brave and helped others to know there are more kinds of cancer that target women beyond what you hear on TV or see advertised on the sides of buses and trains. Not taking anything thing aware from breast cancer survivors (really, believe me I’m not putting you down, or belittling what you go through), but you can get another breast. I can’t have another uterus. The pain of knowing that there are so few to champion the cause, the pain and suffering that is attached to a body part I’d grown pretty fond of is why I decided to make this my cause. This is my fight to bring awareness to an ‘unseen’ cancer.

So if I someday become famous or at the end of my life, I want you to come to my funeral “New Orleans Style”, No Black Allowed!! There should be balloons in vibrant colors that you will release (I promise to catch the orange one) to fly to the corners of the sky. I will be listening for ‘80’s’ old-school jams and I expect a lot of fun stories. I want you to have amazing food and smoke cigars. Please open a good bottle of scotch and drink to my life. Finally promise me you’ll dance…dance like there’s no tomorrow, because in reality it’s not promised, so why wait…dance for me today! How do you want to be remembered?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pappa’s got nothing left in the bag…James Brown’s Legacy reduced to 4 hrs 18 min and a bit over $856,000

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Soul Brother Number One, Mr. Dynamite, The Hardest Working Man in Show Business, Minister of The New Super Heavy-Heavy Funk, Mr. Please, Please, Please himself, James Brown.

This week I had some time on my hands and living in NYC that’s a rare thing during the middle of the week. I was meeting someone for lunch and as I passed Christies auction house, I realized that this was the same day James Brown’s things were going up for auction. Seeing that fate had everything to do with me being in this space, on this day and time I went inside. Family squabbles and bad accounting have taken – literally the coat off his back, shoes off his feet and sold it to the highest bidder.

If you’ve never been to Christies it can be a bit daunting. After all, next to Sotheby’s (NO, I don’t have the money to spend there either) auction house, Christies is famous for auctioning off some of the worlds most prized possessions. Some of the ‘elite’ sell while others shop here for ‘bargains’…if you call priceless paintings and gems big enough to choke a cow with price tags to match a bargain. Guess that means they won’t take my priceless stuffed animal collection – oh well, their loss.

It was really interesting to see who was in the crowd also searching for a bargain. Nikki Hilton (yes of Paris/Nikki fame) was there I don’t know if she purchased anything. I do know Paul Shaffer who is the band leader for “Late Show with David Letterman” purchased the medical bracelet that James wore right before his death in 2006 for $32,000. This was the surprise sale of the day because it went for more than 100 times its presale estimate. A bit morbid I think, but hey it was for sale. Nelson George who has written several books on the music industry and a former college mate of mine was there, as well as Sanford Rubenstein who is the lawyer for Rev. Al Sharpton (and is often seen standing right behind Sharpton at press conferences). Maybe he was there to represent the interest of the Brown family (or bid on something for Al), I don’t know and I didn’t ask.

In the end, the remains of James Brown's estate raised more than $856,688 for his creditors. NONE of the sales received (of course sans the fee Christies charges) will go to the family. A denim outfit he wore for the 1974 "Rumble in the Jungle" concert in Zaire sold for $25,000 and a blue satin cape embroidered with "Thy Name Is Godfather of Soul" was sold for $35,000 (happened to bid on this one, but knew I wouldn’t get it, but it was fun just to have the experience). Here is just a sample of some of the other things that were on the block and what they sold for:

His custom made Chrysler Limousine Imperiale ($72,334); a signed letter from former President Ronald Regan ($1,000); a favorite of everyone in the room the GFOS Jumpsuit which went for $25,000. Oh….in case you’re wondering what GFOS means, “God Father Of Soul” which Mr. Brown definitely was. An autographed photo from Snoop Dog to James ($875); ‘Sex Machine’ leather belt ($4750); 1996 USA Olympic Jacket ($625); Academy of Music Awards ($1625); Dome Hair Dryer (10,625); Rock and Roll Hall of fame award ($3,750) and the two that broke my heart The 2003 Kennedy Center Honor Award ($12,500) and Hair Supplies (80 hair rollers, picks, combs, etc., 11 cans and bottles of hair products used by James Brown, and a Polaroid of Brown wearing similar rollers) ($6,000). Furs, James Brown Dolls, City Proclamations, Childhood photos, love notes, Jumpsuits and shoes in every color of the rainbow and capes to match were for sale. What is sad is that the man that truly helped shape the music and dance of several generations only raised $857,000 which was short of the $1 million - $2 million they forecast.

There will be no Graceland to contain the clothes and furs and costumes and gold records and awards and record collection and personal photos and handwritten love notes and jail records dispersed at the sale. As lover of music, it was really sad to see that someone that was so great, such an innovator in music and dance style was reduced to this. Before there was Michael Jackson, Usher, Mario, Ne-Yo, there was the original James Brown. His ability to move across the stage has literally set the stage for musicians/dancers of today. Click here to see a James Brown Dance lesson.

The man that took an aspirin with breakfast and 50mg of Viagra before every show (“He thought it gave him extra energy.”) died Christmas Day 2006 at the young age of 73. Like the deaths of so many great musicians it was a sad day.

Some of my favorite clips (THANK YOU YOUTUBE) are of James with another great Pavarotti singing “This is a Man’s World, James singing “Get up offa that thing”, and the classic “Sex Machine” and "I Feel Good". (click on the song titles and you will go directly to the videos – sorry I’ve not learned how to embed them yet)

It’s almost a year and a half later and the Godfather Of Soul still can't rest. Several mistresses, eight mothers of 14 children, 16 grandchildren, 30 lawyers, his valet and an ageing dancer still want a piece of him. Now his bones have been picked over, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the Godfather rest in peace?

Friday, July 11, 2008

'Heel' Thyself - Heel-A-Thon with Regis and Kelly

Who ever said, “Age isn’t anything but a number” must have met Ethelyn. This week my Sassy-Sister in Stilettos Sprinted, in the Live with Regis and Kelly "High Heel-a-thon" in Central Park.

Let me give you a bit of background. The Regis and Kelly show partnered with Dr. Scholls to provide the winner of the race $25,000 grand prize. The best part of this is the fact that they both partnered and donated money to the March of Dimes whose known for their tireless dedication to providing healthy pregnancies and babies to women everywhere. A GREAT organization. The rules for the race were pretty strict and believe me this race wasn’t for the faint of heart; the heels had to be at least 3″ high, no more than 3″ in circumference, and no wedges at all. I will say that as an observer I did see some women who definitely cheated. You know shoes that have a little extra rubber in the heels and soles? Yes even for a good cause there were cheaters in the bunch!

Let’s take a second and talk about the shoes – sparkly, strappy, gold, platform, and stiletto gladiator sandals and of course the classic, pointy-toed pumps. I dare to say that there was a wide assortment for your running and viewing pleasure. With more than 500 participants (including 11 men – who had their own race…see not just women love a good heel) from over 40 states, these ladies were SERIOUS!!!

The day of the race Kelly was as nervous as Regis was handsome in pink. Mark Consuelos Kellys’ husband – WOW!!! Cameron Mathison of All My Children and Dancing With The Stars fame - YUMMY!!! Honestly these 3 have wonderful personalities, and are better looking in person. They all took time out to greet their fans, take pictures, no attitude - way cool. Maybe some other celebrities should take note (but I digress). I’ve never seen Kelly so nervous and yet so amazingly charming and warm to all of the participants. Her heels – a sky-high 4.5 inches. Their Host chat the next day was too funny!!!

So on to the real STAR….

Ethlyn is a very good friend, who will tell you the key to a long life is a cocktail every night. Let me also warn you she can play a mean game of poker, so don’t let the sweet face fool ya. She was a dancer in her younger years and still has the killer legs to prove it. With thanks to a friend of hers, she has more pairs of Manolo Balhniks’ than Carrie has in her Sex and the City closet. The thing is she wears them or at least a pair of heels everyday. I don’t think I have ever seen her in flats – ever. Oh did I mention she’s 84 years young???

She looked more like a woman about to go to the office in her white silk top and 3-inch pointy-toe black stilettos; not one about to run a race. I believe she said that these are her ‘dancing shoes, so she knew they would be comfortable. (Note: never wear your new shoes when you’re going to run a 150-yard dash). Just by being there looking completely chic she won the respect and admiration of every participant – most of them a 60 years her junior.

Ethlyn ran a very respectable 1:15, 150-yard race and showed the spirit of sportsmanship and pure class. Kelly mentions her in the commentary they had the next day, which was hysterical. Of course Ethlyn was contacted by all of the major newspapers in NYC and was on several of the nightly news programs. I don’t know if she now has a ‘shoe contract’, but if the right designer calls, I’m sure she will fit you in her busy schedule.

What I learned from her is you can be active at any age, and look like a lady doing it. You should have fun, because it’s not necessarily about winning. Finally if all else fails run your race, with a smile on your face and step lively to the nearest hotel bar for a martini-3 olives.

Congratulations Ethlyn. You’re a winner in my book!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy Birthday America

I just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge that no matter what is going on this is still a pretty amazing country. It is my hope that it will soon return to it's greatness.

There has been a lot of buzz about who has performed the Star Spangled Banner the best...Jimmy Hendrix, The Dixie Chicks, Beyonce... Well my favorite is still be Ms. Whitney Houston.

While I'm still trying to figure out how to post the video of her performance on my blog, just click on her name to hear her performance.

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As life goes on, I'll find new things to write about, new dreams to have, new people to love and a life worth living. I do want to take this moment to thank you for reading my blog and I hope that if you have anything to share you do. Please feel free to make suggestions, subscribe to my blog feed and know that I will do my best.
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