There were many years when I would flippantly say to friends “I’m heading to London (Paris, Amsterdam…you fill in the country) for the weekend. Need anything?” Well now what I need is a break. The dollar is SO LOW that I couldn’t buy an imaginary trip to my favorite European location even if I had a spare $1,000.
However when I want to have a 'European Fix', my new favorite hangout is the Trump Bar at Trump Plaza on 5th Avenue. It is just small enough to know the bartenders, chic enough to see Ivanka walk by every once in a while, friendly enough to meet lots of Europeans passing through hoping to see “The Donald”…and yet meeting me. While I don’t have Donald money, I do enjoy conversation and have 44 years of New York experience and can guide them to their next destination.
I’ve meet Dr. Darcy – from London, Morgan from Milan, Dan from Nottingham, and Tom from Amsterdam…all wonderful people, and the best part we keep in touch. It proves that it doesn’t cost anything to be friendly to people.
So what is the point of this blog entry? Well a few things.
1 – I haven’t written in a while and this entry has been on my mind for a while.
2 – I can’t write anymore about the political aspects of what’s going on in the US. I am however looking forward to the debates.
3 – I am happy that people from around the world are enjoying both the benefit of their higher currency, and choosing to spend it in New York.
Yes I am looking forward to the time when I can travel abroad again. I miss visiting Oxford, France and Amsterdam but I’m making new friends while hanging out at Donald’s place. Sometimes the best people are met chatting over a Mar-Logo Martini.
Thanks Donald!
1 comment:
Man, do I relate to the Europe conundrum! I have always been to Europe 3 - 4 times a year, both business and pleasure. However, I haven't been since last November, with Des, when we hit Amsterdam and Berlin.
My friend Tricia's 50th birthday has been the impetus to commit to a week in Paris mid-October. I can't wait, but also fear how my money will evaporate!
If I wait for the Euro to decend versus the dollar, I think I may be doomed, so I'm taking the plunge, as well as in December, when Des and I are doing Christmas and New years in Paris and Amsterdam.
After all, how do you put a price on the immersion?
I guess I'll find out...
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