Ok, so if this offends anyone I'm sorry in advance. If you have a different opinion and/or thoughts about this, please let me know. I'm willing to listen and learn.
I must admit that there are times I walk past CNN on TV, catch a glimpse of President Obama and pause. It takes me a second to remember yes, we have an African-American man who is President of the United States. I can’t be the only one, who has experienced this. I’m sure as we hear more of the ‘new voice’ in the administration, the more ‘common’ shall we say it will become.
President Obama has begun forward movement of his agenda and I believe that the stimulus package was a great beginning. Even though the Dow did dip to just above 8,000 the day after this passed, I’m hopeful that this will help stimulate the economy. Yes there have been some other early challenges, but he doesn’t seem to be the kind of man who will be easily daunted.
There is a part of me that has become cynical. At one time I believed that our government was made up of “we’re-thinking-of-what’s-
I remember driving to visit my family when a friend emailed me “McCain picks Palin for VP”. I responded like so many others “Who?” While I don’t think she was the best woman/person that the GOP had to offer, I do understand the strategy behind it and it was brilliant. ‘Let’s get the 18 million people who voted for Hillary on our side.’ You see how well it worked for them right? This is what makes me wonder if the GOP has done it again. Do they think that by picking an African American to head a party, which is clearly in trouble, will create new interest? What the GOP has done again, is leaping without sincere thought or a clear direction. Let me just be blunt…African American people are not going to become Republicans or follow this new drummer just because he is African American.
Michael Steele, the first African-American chairman of the Republican National Committee makes me think that now, being an African American male is H-O-T! Of course after 6 rounds of voting, this ‘win’ didn’t come easily. He finally beat out Katon Dawson, the chairman of the South Carolina party, who had been criticized for belonging to a whites-only country club, a membership he resigned before this election began. Stupid me, I didn’t think whites-only country clubs still existed.
Michael Steele, at the Republican National Convention coined the "Drill Baby Drill" chant that was taken up by McCain and Palin to push for more offshore drilling. Most recently, he is also the man who asked GOP lawmakers to close ranks and cast 177 “no” votes when the stimulus bill was before the House. The bill however passed.
Mr. Steels suggests that he wants to lay a new foundation; develop new relationships; make progress with small donors (the common man) as well as the ‘fat’ cats; he seeks to increase the number of minorities to the Republican party who may have shun it in the past and reclaim the Northeast. God Help us…sorry, that was my out-side voice. So far the smartest and most honest thing I’ve heard him say is he realizes that this won’t turnaround overnight.
It seems to me – the cynic – that the GOP is trying HARD to do a few things and yet maybe trying too hard.
First, they are trying to separate themselves from the Bush administration quickly and by all means necessary.
Secondly, the GOP wants people to know they are inclusive and will welcome everyone. With Steele in a position of power, it sends a message that this party has been ‘misidentified as one that doesn’t care, insensitive and unconcerned about minorities or doesn’t want to knock down color barriers – these labels couldn’t be further from the truth. After all they did appoint him an African-American.
Third, maybe they are looking past all the Sarah Palin hype/fallout and looking for a potential African-American candidate of their own in 2012…hmmm. After all, President Obama already did the hard part.
Finally, selecting an African-American chairman, no matter what you think of it, is redefining the party’s image. Only time will tell what this new image is. For now, being African-American it HOT!!
Still Michael Steele frightens me. Steele has already said that he “would move aggressively to take on the Democrats.” Steele suggested that he was looking forward to ‘engaging Mr. Obama in the months ahead; that it would be ‘an honor to spar with him’. (Technically, isn’t he supposed to address him as President Obama?) Gee, that doesn’t sound like someone who is willing to work across the isle, show respect, or willing to listen to different views. It sounds like the same ‘ol my way or the highway’ Republican Party to me.
To his defense, I will say that my research as it were, shows that Mr. Steele did verbally attack former President Bush on the handling of the war and said his response to Katrina was a “monumental failure.” He was at the losing end of that fallout. How the tides and attitudes are changing for the party.
Can we just say it already; many feel Mr. Steele is a ‘token’. He will never be Colin Powell and even Colin Powell; a well-respected, African-American FORMER Republican changed, political parties when he had enough. Even if you don’t agree with Steele, is it fair to say that he is a token because he is an African-American Republican. Likewise is it fair to say that only Obama can be the messenger of change – the visionary? I don’t think so. See I am trying to be fair.
Although there are many in the Republican Party in general, Mr. Steele will still find his self-surrounded by racist, radicals, elitist, and extremist. These type of people don’t think that African-American, or any other minority have a place in the White House and I’m sure a dew are having a tough time dealing with the his appointment. Let us remember Rush Limbaugh’s comments last week about President Obama. What does Mr. Steele have to say about this, and/or does he agree with him?
How will he deal with his staunch, right wing GOP supporters like O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity? When they open their mouths to bad-mouth minorities and homosexuals, what will Mr. Steele say or do then? Will he tow the party line, or show a ‘kinder and gentler GOP’? Would you believe there are some who still say that the only reason – and this makes me laugh – Obama won is because the minority population came out in droves. While this may have been the biggest voter turnout since – well forever, folks didn’t elect President Obama because of what he looks like, I know I didn’t. I didn’t care that he was bi-racial, or went to Harvard, or has a seemingly lovely family. I voted for him because he is truly unlike anyone else who was running this year. He offered the country a new vision, a positive change and the hope for a brighter future.
What it seems to me, and call me crazy, the GOP needs to counter (the Obama factor) by putting Mr. Steele in a position to ‘take on the president’ so that those that might not agree, don’t seem racist. Mr. Steele, like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is a ‘pull yourself up by your boots strap kind of guy’. Hey, I also believe you have to work hard and those that are constantly looking for a hand out, need to get a grip. However, in this economy what if you don’t have boots, or shoes or socks to pull up? Then what?? If you have 2 men of the same ‘group’ going at each other, doesn’t’ that cancel out any potential racial factor? Hey, I'm just asking so don’t kill me!
There have been so many changes in the last month I can barely keep up. What I hope for (among many things) is that this country can get back on the right track. That means reminding our political officials to work together for the good of the people that elected them in the first place. Yes, that means the little people and even those among us that have a few billion to rub together. We need to focus on the economy, get the jobs that are so desperately needed and don't forget the environment.
I want to be of the generation that rejoices in the fact that this 2009 administration, Senate and House are working to abolish racism by putting in key positions people of all backgrounds, all ethnicities, all sexual orientations. That they are looking for success, not setting you up for failure. If that means being Black is the new ‘Black’, then rock on!
In the end whether Mr. Steele or President Obama is the ‘right person’ only time will dictate. In the meantime another African American is creating hope, cracking a ceiling, breaking down the door and walking into a new challenge coming this far by faith. For these two African-American men, it must be good to be them at this moment in history.
Very interesting article. I sonn't trust Steele. I think Steele is all for Steele.
Sorry about the typo error.
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