If you’ve ever seen me and the number one man in my life, you might think we are way too silly. I think we are just father and daughter who happen to enjoy being with each other. Yup, my dad, Mr. B; my “macho-macho man”, my hero, my strength, my friend and yes the greatest man I’ve ever, been blessed to know.
He is truly the son of a farmer from South Carolina, the middle brother in a family of 13 children. He was a star basketball player who was smart enough to marry the home coming queen who is my mother. He is a man that even though he moved from the country to the city, but always a farm boy at heart. He still feels at home and comfort in planting his garden and fishing when ever he can. Still one of the sharpest dressers and a better dancer than any guy I’ve EVER dated, he is just so cool.
It is easier for a father to have children, than for children to have a real father. Okay, before you think I’ve lost my mind; this is a quote from Pope, John XXIII. If you think about it, it’s true. I used to say that there is a difference between being a father and a ‘dad’. Any man can be a sperm donor, or say that they are a father, but being there, doing the hard things, working the crazy hours, providing for your family, playing with your kids, discipline, some days doing things he didn’t want to, and I’m sure doing without from time to time so my brother and I could have, did I say ‘truly being there’, that makes you a father. The fact is, biology alone doesn’t make one a father — or a mother, for that matter.
There’s not been a time, when I think I’ve not been able to talk to my father. I have the ability to share with him my dreams, fears, or just the latest score on “Dancing with the stars”. I have been known to climb onto his lap, race tractors in Home Depot or just sit on the sunny porch during my visit to their home. He is a man I know I can trust to make things better – no matter what.
What’s not easy is to be a real father. It’s not easy to wake up in the middle of the night to change your child’s diaper. It’s not easy to play with your daughter/son after a day of hard work; not easy to read your daughter a book at bedtime when you’re so sleepy yourself; not easy to help with our homework especially after working all night, just a few hours sleep and having to go back to work the next day. It wasn’t easy, WE weren’t always easy, but loving you is extremely easy. OH DAD, are you crying again?? ☺
I hope to one day make you proud of me dad. I know you’re proud of me, but it’s like loving a child or parent. I love you because you are my father, but I like you because you’re a good guy. I want you to feel the same pride that I feel every time I think of you, or someone says “your father is really cool”. I know he’s cool and yes I’m lucky he’s mine!
So Happy Father’s Day Mr. B.
I Love You!
Secret Service Shoots Armed Man Near the White House
54 minutes ago
Thank you my Dear Lovely Daughter. It is an honor to be your father. I love you and am so proud of you. I thank God for you and letting me be your father. What A Gift!
All my love.
What a nice tribute!
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