Friday, December 11, 2009

Canadian Security, the White House is on the phone…

I have my luggage (a small roller-bag and my camera equipment) and not knowing how long the ride from the airport to the hotel is, well...I make a pit stop. The bathrooms are extremely clean, no wait and the most stalls for woman that I've seen at any airport in my travels. After I 'refresh', there is the LONG corridor that you have to walk down - of course the rolling sidewalk isn't turned on yet...because we are the first flight all I hear is the 'clomp-clomp' of my boots and the swish of the luggage wheels. Normally I don't get scared, but honestly being alone with no one in sight is a bit creepy.

"Welcome to Customs."

Why are customs people so grumpy – I mean honestly it’s 9AM…what pissed you off already? Because I’m just so ‘happy’ I try to coax a smile out of the agent. Not happening. Finally he asked me where I lived (one of the 7 questions he asked. I was waiting for him to ask my blood type!), and when I said “Brooklyn”, you could see a light go off. Seems he has family there and he was coming for a visit in a few months. I said, maybe I’ll see you. While we both know the probability is really slim, he did smile and wish me a good stay. WHEW!! Considering the recent crash of the white house, maybe our security could learn something - just a suggestion.

Only four more security checks before I can actually exit the airport, grab a taxi and take the ride to the Opus Montreal Hotel.

As I am driven down St. Catherine, I remember the last time I was in Montreal. It was with my BFF in Nov of 2003 (I think), and we were having a blast. We discovered that our favorite brand at the time “Lush” arrived from London and opened a new shop there. All the yummy soaps and bath bombs…we were delirious. When we heard they were going to open one in NY-well we were doing the happy dance. That meant we didn’t have to ‘import’ tons of this stuff anymore, we could just get it at home. I remember another friend of ours Kristin, that day was her birthday so we called her walking down Rue Sherborne singing “Happy Birthday” loudly to her on my phone and got the “crazy American” looks from the people around us. We didn’t care; we were having fun.

This time it’s just me…off on another adventure…new discoveries.

The Opus Montreal Hotel is a relatively new boutique hotel located at 70 Sherbrook Ouest. This is NOT your typical US boutique hotel. I arrived at 10:30am and immediately shown my room. Now did they do that just for me, or because I’m 'media'? The truth is I saw them welcome another party, so maybe they are prepared for early arrivals. Imagine that…prepared for your guests so they feel welcome and don’t have to wait.

Originally, I was in the Orange room and completely blown away. Large, colorful and beautifully arranged I felt as if I walked into an apt and not a hotel room. Obviously this isn’t a normal ‘boutique’. The shower (ok for you guys who read this. Girls check out closet space and bathrooms – that’s how we judge a good hotel) was all glass encased, very chic fixtures and amenities and a 42inch flat screen tv. Yes this room had it all.

Happy to settle in my phone rings.

“Madame, I just received word from my manager that we would like to upgrade your room to a suite”.

"What type of room is this?"

"Oh, that is a regular room. I didn’t realize and we want you to be comfortable. A suite just became available so I’ll have a valet come and move you."

Ok…is about all I could muster…THIS IS A REGULAR ROOM??

Five minutes later, I’m in my new suite, which is taupe colored, a room that is larger than some NY apts and again my mouth drops open. This time I have a shower AND a SUPER-SIZED TUB.

They will never get me to leave.

Since my first meeting with the manager isn’t for a few hours, I grab my camera and go looking for my first adventure.

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