Obviously about everyone. An estimated 2+million people will probably watch the wedding on April 29th. I actually feel for her. Can you imagine the pressure of:
1 - We know you've dated for 7 years but do you really know this man? The same guy that doesn't pick up his socks or put the seat down MAY one day be King and you...the Queen. No really, how cool is that?!
2 - What if you trip as you get out of the car? I mean can you imagine all eyes on you and you trip and fall, possibly chip a tooth? Was this a concern and why you picked Westminster - no stairs.
3 - It's bad enough when he has a middle name...when he has 4 or 5 and none of them a last name, like "Jones" or "Smith" how can you keep them straight?
4 - Talk about pressure of the 'first kiss'. No dribble, not too long and none of the funny business of inhaling her face in.
and finally
5 - Keeping it white until after your official photo. That means no last minute glasses of wine to calm your nerves (I'd just do a quick scotch straight down), no touching up of red nail varnish and truly stay away from any royal baby no matter how cute. Baby puke no matter how royal stains.
Things I would love to see during happen during the Royal Wedding:
1 - Kate step out in a dress that would make the Queen blush. Hey, as long a your shoulders are covered and not too much cleavage, I'd rock those legs Kate!
2 - As you recite all 400 of his names, sneak in your private pet name for him. Even if it's a whisper and what's one more name right?
3 - Do the famous "Dip-Kiss". You know the one from the end of WWII. It's your stage and hopefully the one and only time you'll have people looking down your throat while you kiss, so make it worth their while. Give her a right proper snooch Wills!!
4 - Change 3 times and have your last party frock be one that you've designed yourself. Show people that you are more than "Waity-Katie" and a former glorified sales girl for H&M but someone with a proper head on your shoulders and a true eye for style. Then after your honeymoon, open your own bridal line. It would truly be "From one Princess to another" OR design one for Disney Weddings. I hear they are looking for a new Princess to create a movie for.
Finally and I don't really like this for normal brides but...
5 - TRASH THE DRESS. I'd love to see you take it back to your small village where you and the Prince live and really give it a good throw around. What are they going to say to you - you have the ring, the new title and the Prince. I'd say ...you're good.
Most of all, as someone who attended Oxford and actually was lucky enough to meet Prince Charles (quite the charmer) I can only imagine what you must be feeling. You're honestly much more woman than most and good for you. Just keep your head on straight, your face forward, don't loose your sense of self (or humor) and fun and if William gets out of hand...just tell his grandmother. She'll put him straight away.
Secret Service Shoots Armed Man Near the White House
55 minutes ago
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