Saturday, February 09, 2008

Last post?? What's up with that??

So I know...actually my mom (who I love dearly) said..."you didn't post anything new on your blog last week."

Yes mom. I know! I've been a bit busy but I realized that she brings a valid point.

I wanted to create a cycle where I get into the rhythm of posting and by not, that isn't fair. How can I become a better writer if I don't...write?

All I can say in my defense is that my BFF (best friend forever) was in town, and we've not seen each other for a long time. I wanted to spend my time with her, being a girl, and catching up on all the latest. I also just needed to be in the company of a woman that I really consider my sister. Writing - took a back seat.

So if you were looking for a post last week, and were disappointed, I'm sorry. I'll try to not let it happen again :-).

I'll post this week's 'view' soon.

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As life goes on, I'll find new things to write about, new dreams to have, new people to love and a life worth living. I do want to take this moment to thank you for reading my blog and I hope that if you have anything to share you do. Please feel free to make suggestions, subscribe to my blog feed and know that I will do my best.
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