Let’s start with the change…can we talk about David Blaine? Don’t worry; I’ll make it quick and painless.
Living in NY you often see some strange things, and seeing David
This week he decided that he was going to ‘hang out’ for 60 hours upside-down. Why…because he can. What they didn’t say is that it wouldn’t be for 60 consecutive hours (sign of a good publicist; I can respect that!). When I arrived, I stood around and waited a good 15 min for him to flip over again while he took a bathroom and tea break.
While no additional banks actually failed during his
There is a hum of continued nervousness about the state of the economy. There were hundreds of both diplomats and protesters at the United Nations, as various heads of state were o

Shea Stadium will see it’s last regularly played Met’s game Sunday. Ok, so technically that happens next week, but Mets fans are just as sad as I was about Yankee stadium. What is my city coming to??
The weather is definitely taking a change. You can feel the beginnings of fall in the air. I love it. This is truly one of my favorite seasons, big sweaters, warm brandy and crisp breezes. Then again I also like spring for the same reasons. Of course this year, I will be experiencing it not in NY, but in a very, very, very different city. You’ll read about it soon. Maybe here; maybe on a different blog.
So where is the challenge you ask? I had two this week, but I don’t think I want to talk about it just yet. You know what I think I’ll approach this a different way. I think I’ll blog words or phrases to make my point. This way I can’t be accused of anything beyond, what I’m going to be accused for anyway. I know pretty lame, but you know what, I just don’t want to go down a road that makes me sad today. I have too much to do, and frankly would like to spend one day this week not feeling sad, so my challenge today, is to remember the words to the song ‘Don’t worry…be happy’.
What’s your challenge? Is it family, work, friends, children, or your partner? How do you address the issue without always being seen as ‘needy’ or ‘over the top’? Do people tell you to ‘get over it’ or ‘it’s not that bad’ or ‘it could be worse’? How does that make you feel and do you tell them? I’m open to any suggestions, stories and/or comments.
After all we are all just trying to make it in this world, one day at a time. Life, even with its challenges is still the best option, right? ☺