Sunday, January 18, 2009


No it's not a wedding, nor a 'birth'day (well not really). 3 years ago today my life changed and good, BAD or truly frustrating, I'm celebrating all that I've learned. It's been a learning curve and I think I'm on the upper part of it now. a magic number :-)


Michael Horvath said...

It's great to see that you have that insight. Life is all about living and learning.

Anonymous said...

God is with you always and so am I. We will be hopeful and positive . Love U.

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As life goes on, I'll find new things to write about, new dreams to have, new people to love and a life worth living. I do want to take this moment to thank you for reading my blog and I hope that if you have anything to share you do. Please feel free to make suggestions, subscribe to my blog feed and know that I will do my best.
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