Have you taken a look around and realized that those ‘golden resolutions’ are in the golden garbage can?? I think that’s why I decided to lay off the pressure on myself this year. I’ve put myself under enough pressure just to get my life in general back to normal…I’m not trying to make myself nuts.
I did want to take this month to offer a months worth of things I’ve been seeing in magazines and hearing on the news as possible things to help you get through the rest of the shortest month in the year. Hey no pressure – just some things to think about.
1 – Since there are only three weekends in February, your recession budget for fun and frolic will go a little further.
2- Valentines Day is past so you have yet another 365 days to worry about buying that box of chocolate
3 – This is President’s Day Weekend – so you have a three-day weekend and a short week – what a double bonus.
4 – If you live where there is tons of snow, you can burn up to 400 calories per hour (good to know if you ate the entire box of chocolate)
5 – If you live in NY like I do, during this month because it is still so cold, you don’t have to battle the crazy cyclists and the cabs at the same time and the line at TXTS (the outdoor discount Broadway ticket center) is much shorter.
6 - The trees are still bare so all of those really beautiful estates in Long Island, you know the ones with the long driveways, you can see from the road without going up the driveway (not that you could get in anyway)
7- Turtlenecks hide many a mistake.
8- If you didn’t get expensive chocolate for yourself, you can buy it yourself and say it’s from someone else. (oh come on…you never sent your self flowers and they played coy about who sent them??).
9 – We are getting closer to spring each and every day. That’s something to smile about.
10 – There are at least 300-plus days until you have to battle those holiday shops again (or at least 200 until you start seeing cards and decorations in the shops).
11 – If you live in a beautiful tree-lined block where there are apartments that connect (some places call them brownstones like in Brooklyn) without the air conditioning units hanging in the windows you can see just how beautiful the buildings actually are.
12 – There are still at least 4 months until you have to get into that bikini, but sales for them are right now, so shop early.
14 – No guest visiting you in their right mind wants to go on one of those open-air tour buses now – still too cold.
15 – You can actually leave your groceries in your car for an hour if you need to stop into another shop without fear that they will spoil too quickly. I don’t recommend it, but hey your trunk can act as a mini-fridge.
16 – You don’t have to rake, mow, prune, or weed for a few more weeks.
17 – We have just 3 whole months until Memorial Day and the beginning of summer. Oh, that may put a bit of panic with numbers 4 and 7.
18 - It’s easier to be a Good Samaritan; if you’re in a car, let people walking cross the street before you make the turn. Knowing you helped their frostbitten bodies get to their destination faster should provide you with a warm fuzzy.
19 – If you love Peeps (a marshmallow candy)– get Peeps valentines and hold them until Easter to greet your Peeps bunnies.
20 – If you are a college basketball fan…It’s almost MARCH MADDNESS.
21 – There are shorter lines at just about - well everywhere.
22 – The streets aren’t nearly as crowded so it’s easier to get by and if you choose to, it’s ok to do a Sunday stroll even if it’s Tuesday.
23 – There are still 6 months until we have to worry who will take Bret Farve’s place for the Jets.
24 – When all else fails – there’s always Facebook.
25 – Because of the recession this year’s vineyards should have some of their best bottles at reduced prices.
26 – It’s still cold enough for fireplaces, blankets and good books with out feeling like you HAVE TO be outside.
27 – President Obama plans to sign $787 billion stimulus plan which will hopefully begin to turn the economy around.
28 – It’s the last day of the coldest month of the year – that’s reason enough right.
…29 – It’s only 1,126 more days until my Birthday (Feb 29th – yes it’s a real day/reason to celebrate the BEST DAY of the month). I’ll be 12. ☺