What a week we've had here in the US. First Ed McMahon, the man best known for saying "Heeeeeeere's Johnny," the phrase that brought Johnny Carson on stage died. In recent years there was a lot being said about him losing money, not being healthy and more.
Right after him was Farrah Faucet. One of the original "Charlie's Angels" she had battled cancer for a long time. While she also tried experimental treatments and for a while seemed to get better, the cancer spread to her lungs and that along with everything else caused her to loose her life.
Before we could wrap our heads around that, Michael Jackson died. Don't need to tell you who he is, but i will share with you two MJ stories.
1 - I was getting into the elevator at Universal Music about 8 years ago, and there were two people in the elevator. One, a very large body guard, the other a very thin man, who couldn't seem to squeeze himself any further into the corner. I remember his black hat, and being very, very, very pale. This being a music company, I didn't think anything of the bodyguard, but there was something about this guy...Then it hit me and I gasped. I looked up at the body guard and at that moment he know that I realized that I was in the same elevator as MJ. He smile. So as the doors opened on the grown floor I turned and said "bye" he responded in kind.
2 - many years later, I was working at Sony BMG and Michael was protesting. He arrived on a tour-bus and there were massive crowds in the front of the building. So those are my two MJ meetings.
What makes me really sad is that all three of these entertainers were amazing in their own right. At least two of them - who had made TONS of money, died having major financial troubles. All three had medical issues. At least one of them will make more money NOW then he could have possibly made while alive.
I just feel badly for the families and in particular the children of both Farrah and MJ.
I feel sorry because these families can't mourn their loved one privately. Yes I realize that they opted for this living in the spot-light life but a husband, is still a husband; a mom and girlfriend is still a mom and girlfriend; a dad is still a dad; death/loss/saddness is still all of those things. While their families will have to go on, I can't imagine how much more difficult it is when your loved one is "a star". You have to in some instances continue to share them in death as you did in life.
Can we all just take a moment to pray for the loved ones of those that have died - these three famous ones as well as the ones we know personally. May the God/Universe that we individually believe in, grant them peace.
This Spring, Layer Up in Style
1 week ago