Friday, April 22, 2011
The Royal Wedding...who cares
1 - We know you've dated for 7 years but do you really know this man? The same guy that doesn't pick up his socks or put the seat down MAY one day be King and you...the Queen. No really, how cool is that?!
2 - What if you trip as you get out of the car? I mean can you imagine all eyes on you and you trip and fall, possibly chip a tooth? Was this a concern and why you picked Westminster - no stairs.
3 - It's bad enough when he has a middle name...when he has 4 or 5 and none of them a last name, like "Jones" or "Smith" how can you keep them straight?
4 - Talk about pressure of the 'first kiss'. No dribble, not too long and none of the funny business of inhaling her face in.
and finally
5 - Keeping it white until after your official photo. That means no last minute glasses of wine to calm your nerves (I'd just do a quick scotch straight down), no touching up of red nail varnish and truly stay away from any royal baby no matter how cute. Baby puke no matter how royal stains.
Things I would love to see during happen during the Royal Wedding:
1 - Kate step out in a dress that would make the Queen blush. Hey, as long a your shoulders are covered and not too much cleavage, I'd rock those legs Kate!
2 - As you recite all 400 of his names, sneak in your private pet name for him. Even if it's a whisper and what's one more name right?
3 - Do the famous "Dip-Kiss". You know the one from the end of WWII. It's your stage and hopefully the one and only time you'll have people looking down your throat while you kiss, so make it worth their while. Give her a right proper snooch Wills!!
4 - Change 3 times and have your last party frock be one that you've designed yourself. Show people that you are more than "Waity-Katie" and a former glorified sales girl for H&M but someone with a proper head on your shoulders and a true eye for style. Then after your honeymoon, open your own bridal line. It would truly be "From one Princess to another" OR design one for Disney Weddings. I hear they are looking for a new Princess to create a movie for.
Finally and I don't really like this for normal brides but...
5 - TRASH THE DRESS. I'd love to see you take it back to your small village where you and the Prince live and really give it a good throw around. What are they going to say to you - you have the ring, the new title and the Prince. I'd say're good.
Most of all, as someone who attended Oxford and actually was lucky enough to meet Prince Charles (quite the charmer) I can only imagine what you must be feeling. You're honestly much more woman than most and good for you. Just keep your head on straight, your face forward, don't loose your sense of self (or humor) and fun and if William gets out of hand...just tell his grandmother. She'll put him straight away.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Hello Old Friend
The new business has taken off and if I'm honest, it's completely overwhelmed me. I have terrific clients and yet finding someone to help - an intern - is nearly impossible. What are kids learning in school these days? If I see a 'blast' email for employment - "delete". If I see "To whom it may concern" - delete. If I see "Dear Sir." - Oh hell yea I DELETE. People don't take the time to know whom they are addressing, why they are addressing them and/or if they are qualified to address them in the first place. If you can't take the time to make it personal...I don't have time for you. Life is personal! My business is personal!
I know (and am often reminded from someone who...well...really isn't a 'friend') that I'm not perfect. I have faults and I own them. Then one is perfect. What I don't need is someone in the 'under the guise of friendship and caring' to blast me, or shoot snide remarks or being nasty. I'm so over it...and you.
The view that I see thru my lens today is from the comfort of the kitchen in NC. I haven't been here, in this house for about 3 years....and it's always nice to come 'home'. It's a beautiful day out side - Palm Sunday - and right now my parents are laughing with each other, and dinner is being prepared. I still marvel at a relationship that has lasted almost 50 years and what's more...they seem to still like each others company. They are truly friends and it shows. I wish I had that kind of relationship.
So before I leave to head back to the rat-race of NYC, I will take lots of pictures. I want to capture these memories and hold them to my heart everyday. I want the view in my life to be of family and the very, very few people I call friend.
Friday, January 01, 2010
2010 you are the song I sing we are...once again...trying to do it right.
I sat at my computer at 4am a few nights ago, wondering where the heck did the last 9 years go? Where did the last 20 years go? Where is my life going now?
I have to say that I'm pretty lucky. Great family, a few really great friends and I live in the best city in the world. The last few years have been a trial - by fire most days and I only got slightly singed. It's funny that just when you think your life is going great, something come along and slaps you up-side the head. Usually it's 'life' saying 'I'm still in control and don't you forget it.'
Being able to shake the dirt off the last few years is a freeing experience. I am over the moon, beyond grateful, on-my-knees-daily thanking God that I am now healthy. I also continue to pray that I am guided to the life I am supposed to have. Wait a min...the last few years WAS the life I was supposed to have.
I was supposed to have this crappy illness, go through 7 surgeries, deal with loss, be on/off the roller coaster and then release it - only to find it. Does that make sense?
I was recently told that I'm a control freak and maybe I am. There has been responsibility thrust on me from an early age and frankly when people say 'well, she'll handle it', what the heck are you supposed to do - say no? Well, maybe that will be what I learn this next 10 years. I no longer want to be everything or anything to/for any/everybody. I just want to be happy. If that means you think I want to be in control of you - like my brother used to say as a kid 'you're not the boss of me' - well, I don't want to be. I want to be loved for all my goodness and flaws. When I say I'm sorry, I want 'I'm sorry' to be enough. I want to leave on a jet plane and discover new places, dream new - BIG, wonderful dreams and I really, really, really want them to come true.
I want my life to be an open road with a beautiful sky just like this picture. Want to come on a ride with me?
So what am I going to do about I guess. I'm going to continue on the road of health to the best of my ability. I'm going to spend time with my family because they sustain me, love me unconditionally and most importantly - think I'm pretty gosh darn cool! I'm going to visit my friends who I've not seen in years and catch up with them over coffee, tea, wine or water - I don't care. It's more about being with them and re-establishing the connection. I'm going to light a fire under my own butt, to build my business, buy my own home, and walk in my Manolos without fear they are too high and I might fall. And you know what, I might stumble...and yup, even fall, but I've learned these last 9 years to get up, dust myself off, straighten my new short girly skirt and keep on steppin'.
Here's to 9 years of growth - I toast you.
Here's to 9 years of new growth - I welcome you.
Here's to you, my family, friends and readers...I love you.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Did I do 25 in 52?
The 'old' me is saying "you said you would do all these and you didn't - you failed".
The new me is saying "you really did 3/4 of them and that totally rocks!!"
So what didn't I know, the only one I'll disclose is the bikini. I didn't go any where warm and the scar still has me freaked out a bit, so no bikini in 09', but look out 2010.
It's funny that thing they call self-talk. What I find is that I spend more time than I need, finding my faults instead of saluting all the good things about myself. I have gotten a lot better, but I still have moments of doubt, despair and just plain fear. I wasn't one who got scared before, I don't know where it came from but it's here. You know, those moments of panic that I forgot someones birthday, or did I lock the car door, or is my zipper up?
Well there will be a new list next year, as soon as I can figure out what I want. Will I add the things I didn't finish this year...hmmm, maybe not. Maybe there aren't supposed to be finished, but just there for me to dream about. Maybe they were there as a stepping stone for my true self to dare to come into being again. Maybe, they were there, just because it sounded good. I don't know - I'm not that smart, nor that sneaky and frankly, it's way too early in the AM to ponder it.
I do know that I'm going to begin a list of things I want to do in the next 10 years and they will be BIG. I'm thinking...about 3-5 per year and if I do them out of order, or finish them up before that particular year is over,...I'll just move to the next year and add new dreams on the back end.
Yea, that's the ticket. So I hope you are dreaming big and if you have any suggestions, let me know. After all, you never know...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Did someone say Christmas Cheer?
I can I hardly believe it’s the night before Christmas. Where did this year go and what am I going to do for New Years eve?
Well a few of you asked for different cocktail recipes that you could serve now, through New Years beyond the traditional ones. Here are a few that I absolutely love and will have for friends and family as they pop over. They are easy to make and really pretty to look at. So deck the halls and lift a cup of holiday cheer. Don’t forget, while you’re having fun drink responsibly.
Here’s wishing you lots of goodies and may all your dreams come true this holiday season.
Candy Cane Swirl
Candy Cane Swirl
1 oz. SKYY Infusions Raspberry
3 oz. Red Cranberry Juice
0.5 oz. Grenadine
0.5 oz. Peppermint Schnapps
Lemon Lime Soda
Candy Canes
Rim martini glass with crushed candy cane. Combine SKYY Vodka, Peppermint Schnapps, Cranberry Juice and Grenadine into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and strain into martini glass. Top with Lemon Lime Soda and garnish with small peppermint candy cane.
Mele Kalikimaka Martini
A creative twist on a Bing Crosby classic, the Mele Kalikimaka Martini is ”Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas to you.” Turning a classic cocktail, contemporary using SKYY Infusions Pineapple and Coconut Cream, the martini adds a personal touch to your typical eggnog and is a surefire way to impress any partygoer. Trust me, this is smooth!!
Mele Kalikimaka Martini
1.5 oz. SKYY Infusions Pineapple
3 oz. Eggnog
Splash of Coconut Cream or Coconut Milk
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and strain into martini glass. Top with sprinkling of nutmeg and cinnamon and garnish with a cinnamon stick.
The Ninth Night
You may think that you’re done celebrating once the candles burn out in the menorah, but The Ninth Night is the great way to conclude your Hanukkah festivities. A refreshing cocktail designed to commemorate a special (and unofficial) ninth night of Hanukkah.
The Ninth Night
2 oz. SKYY Infusions Citrus
1 oz. Triple Sec
1 oz. White Cranberry Juice
Lemon Lime Soda
Lime Juice
Combine SKYY Infusions Citrus, Triple Sec and Cranberry Juice into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and strain into tall rocks glass with fresh ice. Top with soda and lots of fresh lime juice. Garnish with blue ribbon or pipe cleaner around the glass.
Cuppa Good Cheer
Whether you anticipate a “White Christmas” or a California “Endless Summer,” we all snuggle up with loved ones and a cup of warm hot cocoa at least once during the holiday season.
Cuppa Good Cheer
1.5 oz. SKYY Infusions Cherry
0.5 White Creme de Cacao
4 oz. Extra Hot Chocolate
1 oz. Half and Half
Whipped Cream
Red Sprinkles
Maraschino Cherry
Combine all ingredients into a holiday mug and top with whipped cream, red sprinkles and a Maraschino Cherry.
Infuse passion into the New Year with a flashy cocktail featuring SKYY Infusions Passion Fruit, fresh juice and raspberries. The New Year’s Sparkler is an easy way to spice up your champagne flute this New Year’s Eve.
New Year’s Sparkler
1 oz. SKYY Infusions Passion Fruit
1.5 oz. Pomegranate Juice
3.5 oz. Champagne
5-6 Raspberries
Combine SKYY Infusions Raspberry and cranberry juice in a chilled champagne flute and top with champagne. Garnish with raspberry tree.*
*Slide 5-6 raspberries onto long skewer and place vertically in champagne glass.
This is one of my favorite drinks. I greet my guests in from the cold, winter weather with a traditional cup of Holiday Glögg, a Scandinavian take on mulled wine. Made in large batches and easily reheated time and time again, this recipe is a great one to have in your back pocket for any surprise guests.
Holiday Glögg
12 oz. SKYY Vodka
1 Bottle 750 ml of Dry Red Wine
1.5 tbsp. Mulling Spice
1 tsp. Fresh Orange Zest
2 tbsp. Sugar
2 tbsp. Blanched Almonds
4 tbsp. Raisins
Wrap Mulling Spice in cheesecloth. In a large saucepan, combine the Wine, SKYY Vodka, cheesecloth with Mulling Spice, Orange Zest and Sugar. Allow to very lightly simmer over medium heat for at least 30 minutes (do not boil). Discard the mulling spices. Drop a few raisins and almonds at the bottom of each mug and top with the hot liquid.
I'm hope you enjoy this holidays drink selection. I can't wait to share more with you in 2010.
Happy Holidays One And All