However, to answer the most asked question "If it was a party, did you get gifts?" Well she's no Oprah by any means!! She did give a digital photo player, you know one of those things that you can upload pictures, and it plays a continuous slide show. She also had this guy on who talked about Frogs. So there were all these Frogs in a was stupid! I don't know what the show's producer was thinking, but a bunch of us leap-year folks know she didn't look at the leap-year website and/or ask us. Just because it's leap year....doesn't mean we are frogs. DUH!!! The general concensus is that it was disappointing. Where were the balloons?? Where was the cake??? Oh well...It was nice to meet people from around the world that came (yes London, South America, Australia, and others were in the house!!)
No, the celebration didn't stop there. My BFF and her hubby invited me to celebrate in St. Thomas on their beautiful sailboat. Yup...sun, fun, sea and lots of celebrating. My trip started VERY EARLY on the 28th, with a small lay-over in Atlanta. What do you do when you have 2 hrs to kill in an airport...go shopping...then go drinking. As I sat at the Mexican food stand across from the ga

All in all no matter where we went on St. Thomas - or the short boat ride to St. John, the food was wonderful, and the people delightful. [Speaking of boats...WOW, esp. the little one with the helicopter on the 2nd deck.] Tons of really fresh seafood, and the beef was almost as good as our favorite steakhouse in New York. What's more important is that there were 44+ rousing variations of Happy Birthday for the 4 days I was there. BFF's

So the question now becomes...where do I party next? Well, I'm hoping in London in a few months, and then maybe Amsterdam. I know that there will be celebrations all year, for people that want to celebrate with me.
Yes I can hear you...what's the big's as someone I know says..."One step closer to the grave". Well to me, if I had one every year, I might not make such a big deal about it...but I don't. Every 4 years - I finally have a day that's mine...and after last year...I NEEDED to feel special.
A SPECIAL thanks to everyone (esp the x-factors) that sent cards, emails, calls and texts. There were some real surprises, but I'm deeply grateful that you remembered, and cared. A heart-felt Thanks to the folks at Delta Airlines for the upgrade. My deepest love and 'Thank-you-just -doesn't-seem-like-enough" to my BFF and her Hubby dear.
All I can say is, if you think 11 was a big deal...just wait until I turn 16.